Monday, September 20, 2010

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

Summary of the Declaration of Independence
1) Democratic Principles:
In writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson included many democratic ideals that he believed were necesary in government.  The first to be mentioned were the unalienable rights of man.  These rights included life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Next, Jefferson wrote that another democratic principle is that people have a right to abolish their goverment and create a new one if the current government does not meet the needs of the people.  For this right, he believes that the colonies have the right to rebel against Great Britain.

2) Grievences:
Along with describing democratic principles, Jefferson listed the many grievences that justified the colonists' rebellion.  First Jefferson described how the King did not allow colonies to pass laws of immediate importance and instead made the colonists wait until he allowed the law to be passed.  Next he says the King George forced soldiers to stay in people's homes without a war going on.  Along with this he says that in many cases, colonists were not allowed trial by jury, a basic right for many years in England.  Jefferson goes on to say that the King George dissolved the House of Representatives when they did not agree with his ideas.  Lastly Jefferson says that because of King George's actions, the colonies coasts were destroyed, towns were burned and the lives of the colonists were destroyed.

3) Conclusion:
Jefferson concludes the Declaration of Independence by stating that because of all Britain's actions, the colonies rightfully declare themselves independent states, free from Great Britain.  He goes on to state that as independent and free states, they have the right to levy war, establish international commerce and make peace with other nations.

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