Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog #4: Revolution Article

5 Things I learned after reading "Rethinking the Revolution" by John Ferling.

1) After the end of the Revolutionary War, the Founding Fathers realized that to some extent they would be able to create how the revolution was viewed generations into the future. An example of this can be found in George Washington's attempt to improve his legacy by correcting grammar in his early correspondence.  Also, Washington recalled the French and Indian War for his biography, yet he made sure to leave out an unflattering details.  These actions show the other side of the pancake to what most people learned; the Founding Fathers, Washington in particular, were men of "unblemished virtue".

2) Unlike many beliefs today, the Civil War may not have been the most deadly war, as far as percentages go.  In the Civil War, 1 in 5 soldiers died.  Yet, during the Revolutionary War 1 in 4 soldiers of the Continental Army died.

3) During the American Revolution, artists did not accurately illustrate the reality of war. This caused many people, even to this day, to have distorted views of what really went on.  All of the most popular paintings of the war during this time were without anyone firing a gun or any dead bodies on the battle field.  This has left people to believe that the Revolutionary War was not as bloody and violent as it actually was.

4) Life as a soldier was often composed of just trying to survive when fighting had temporarily ceased.  When invading Canada, hungry soldiers were forced to eating pet dogs, and making soup from boiled shoes to stay alive.  Along with this, harsh winters brought problems in that most soldiers did not have proper clothing, and some were even left "entirely naked".

5) Lastly I learned that the civilians during the Revolutionary War suffered much more than I previously thought.  Many towns were completely wiped out by disease, especially in the first autumn of the war, spread by traveling soldiers.  Also, Indian attacks on the frontier led to many civilian deaths.  Even within the colonies American Tories fought against the Whigs, which led to many more deaths.

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