Sunday, February 13, 2011

LAD #31: Wilson's Fourteen Points

President Woodrow Wilson created his famous Fourteen Points to bring peace to the Great War with a treaty.  In a speech he delivered summarizing these points, Wilson was able to justify going to war as a effort to bring peace to Europe.  His points are as follows: 
1. Peace
2. Freedom of the seas
3. Removal of economic barriers
4. Guarantee that national armaments will be reduced
5. Adjustment of colonial claims
6. Russian territory should be evacuated, and that Russia should be welcomed into the society of free nations
7. Belgium should be evacuated and restored
8. All French territory should be freed
9. The borders of Italy shall be reajusted
10. The citizens of Austria-Hungary shall be given the opportunity to independently develop
11. Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated and restored, with Serbia getting more rights and independence
12. The Turkish portion of the Ottoman Empire should have a secure sovereignty.
13. An independent Polish state should be created.
14. The League of Nations should be formed.

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