Wednesday, January 5, 2011

LAD #23: Populist Party Platform

Emerging from the Farmers Alliance, the Populist Party rose in the 19th century as a third independent party in the presidential elections.  The Populists were opposed to having all the money in the hands of a few, and were against big business in general. Along with being against big business, they were also against all the corruption that dominated Washington, and felt that workmen were being denied their rights.  This party called for silver to be used as an unrestricted form of currency.  The Populist Party believed that these problems had arisen because of the other parties lack of taking action against it, and believed it was time to put the government and the money of the country back into the hands of the "plain people".  Along with supporting the rights of workers, this party was all for labor unions as well.  They also called for government to operate the telephone companies and a public railroad that worked in the interest of the people. Among these things they believed in restricting foreigners so that Americans could get American jobs.  All of these ideas were written into a Declaration of Independence-style document.

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